Analyzing and modifying a reduced basis after assembly

When solving parametrized eigenvalue problems using RB surrogates, the important question arises, to what degree the surrogate actually reflects the behavior of the original problem. In particular, one needs to know if the online measurements of observables contain inaccuracies or unphysical artifacts that stem from a inadequate surrogate. One possibility to evaluate the surrogate quality is the direct comparison of observables and vectors obtained from the RB and truth solver. This, however, is a numerically demanding approach which we will not cover here. So in this example we instead want to showcase some of the tools that can be used to analyze and correct an assembled basis in the online stage and in a computationally cheap way.

Before going into the specifics, we first setup an example for which we use the XXZ chain where the snapshots are obtained using DMRG (see Greedy basis assembly using DMRG).

using LinearAlgebra
using ITensors, ITensorMPS
using ReducedBasis
using Random: seed!
seed!(0)  # Seed to make example consistent

function xxz_chain(sites::IndexSet; kwargs...)
    xy_term   = OpSum()
    zz_term   = OpSum()
    magn_term = OpSum()
    for i in 1:(length(sites) - 1)
        xy_term   += "Sx", i, "Sx", i + 1
        xy_term   += "Sy", i, "Sy", i + 1
        zz_term   += "Sz", i, "Sz", i + 1
        magn_term += "Sz", i
    magn_term += "Sz", length(sites)  # Add last magnetization term
    coefficients = μ -> [1.0, μ[1], -μ[2]]
    AffineDecomposition([ApproxMPO(MPO(xy_term, sites), xy_term; kwargs...),
                         ApproxMPO(MPO(zz_term, sites), zz_term; kwargs...),
                         ApproxMPO(MPO(magn_term, sites), magn_term; kwargs...)],

L = 12
sites = siteinds("S=1/2", L)
H = xxz_chain(sites; cutoff=1e-9)
dm = DMRG()
Δ = range(-1.0, 2.5; length=40)
hJ = range(0.0, 3.5; length=40)
grid_train = RegularGrid(Δ, hJ);

Up to this points we chose reasonable parameters for the basis assembly. However, we now intend to generate a bad surrogate with purposefully bad settings.

Bad settings

The offline settings that are chosen here and also later in the example are intentionally chosen to produce unconverged (and thus wrong) results, i.e., the "side effects" observed in this example should not happen in real applications and would indicate inappropriate parameters.

Namely, we limit our basis size to n_truth_max=6 truth solves and use a compression cutoff of cutoff=1e-10 which is lower than the energy and singular value cutoff above:

greedy = Greedy(; estimator=Residual(), n_truth_max=8)
edcomp = EigenDecomposition(; cutoff=0.0);

We therefore let unphysical modes eventually enter our basis. The first useful object that we encounter is the InfoCollector that can be used to collect various quantities that are computed in each greedy iteration. We chain the collector together with the print_callback via the operator and use the resulting function as the callback function during assembly:

collector = InfoCollector(:basis, :h_cache)
rbres = assemble(H, grid_train, greedy, dm, edcomp;
                 callback=collector ∘ print_callback);
n      max. err    ‖BᵀB-I‖     time      μ
1      NaN         1.33e-15     660ms    [-1.0, 0.0]
2      6.91        2.22e-16     726ms    [2.5, 3.5]
3      3.53        3.75e-16     301ms    [2.5, 0.449]
4      1.52        6.28e-14     646ms    [-0.282, 0.09]
5      1.87        1.21e-14     238ms    [2.5, 2.333]
6      0.934       5.02e-15     255ms    [0.795, 0.0]
7      0.726       9.44e-15     290ms    [0.077, 0.718]
8      0.868       1.06e-14     215ms    [2.5, 3.141]

Using this presumably inaccurate surrogate, we compute the magnetization

M = AffineDecomposition([H.terms[3]], [2 / L])
m, _ = compress(M, rbres.basis)
m_reduced = m();

on a finer online grid using the matching online solver

Δ_online    = range(first(Δ), last(Δ); length=100)
hJ_online   = range(first(hJ), last(hJ); length=100)
grid_online = RegularGrid(Δ_online, hJ_online)
fulldiag    = FullDiagonalization(dm);

and additionally save all computed RB coefficients for later analysis:

using Statistics
rbcoeff = similar(grid_online, Matrix{ComplexF64})
magnetization = similar(grid_online, Float64)
for (idx, μ) in pairs(grid_online)
    _, φ_rb = solve(rbres.h, rbres.basis.metric, μ, fulldiag)
    rbcoeff[idx] = φ_rb
    magnetization[idx] = mean(u -> abs(dot(u, m_reduced, u)), eachcol(φ_rb))

We then end up with a magnetization heatmap that significantly deviates from the correct phase diagram (compare e.g. with Greedy basis assembly using DMRG):

using Plots
xrange, yrange = grid_online.ranges[1], grid_online.ranges[2]
params = unique(rbres.basis.parameters)
xpoints, ypoints = [μ[1] for μ in params], [μ[2] for μ in params]
hm_kwargs = (; xlabel=raw"$\Delta$", ylabel=raw"$h/J$", colorbar=true, leg=false)
marker_kwargs = (; markershape=:xcross, mcolor=:springgreen, ms=3.0, msw=2.0);

hm = heatmap(xrange, yrange, magnetization';
             clims=(0.0, 1.0), title="magnetization", hm_kwargs...)
scatter!(hm, xpoints, ypoints; marker_kwargs...)
Example block output

So what happened here (on purpose) is that the RB does not contain enough snapshots to fully resolve all features of the true phase diagram. To further dissect the problems, let us look at some of the possible ways to analyze the basis, based on the quantities we already have at our disposal.

Online diagnostics

To visualize the degree to which the different snapshot vectors are "mixed" using the online RB coefficients, we can compute the so-called participation ratio

\[\mathrm{PR}(\phi) = \frac{1}{d} \frac{1}{\sum_{k=1}^d |\phi_k|^4}\]

where we assume the transformed RB vector $\phi(\bm{\mu}) = V \varphi(\bm{\mu})$ to be normalized. (Here, $V$ corresponds to the orthonormalizing matrix that is contained in RBasis.) For maximally mixing RB coefficients with $\phi_k = 1/\sqrt{d}$ the participation ratio becomes maximal at $\mathrm{PR}=1$, whereas a unit vector produces the minimal participation ratio of $\mathrm{PR}=1/d$. The RB coefficients from before produce the following $\mathrm{PR}$:

d = dimension(rbres.basis)
pr = map(rbcoeff) do φ
    ϕ = rbres.basis.vectors * φ
    1 / (d * sum(x -> abs2(x)^2, ϕ / norm(ϕ)))

hm = heatmap(xrange, yrange, pr'; title="participation ratio", hm_kwargs...)
scatter!(hm, xpoints, ypoints; marker_kwargs...)
Example block output

Most magnetization plateaus are spanned by merely one snapshot (low $\mathrm{PR}$), whereas multiple snapshots within one plateau lead to a mixing of RB coefficients. Another way to look at the RB coefficients is to find the maximal coefficient of each $\phi$ vector on the online grid and then assign it a color. The resulting heatmap displays Voronoi-like cells around the snapshot parameter points. Using the collected info contained in the collector, we can even animate these cells with respect to the greedy iterations:

anim = @animate for n in 1:dimension(rbres.basis)
    data =
    ϕ = map(grid_online) do μ
        _, φ = solve(data[:h_cache][n].h, data[:basis][n].metric, μ, fulldiag)
        data[:basis][n].vectors * φ
    voronoi = map(φ -> findmax(abs.(@view φ[:, 1]))[2], ϕ)
    hm = heatmap(xrange, yrange, voronoi';
                 title="Voronoi", clims=(1, 8), hm_kwargs...)
    p = unique(data[:basis][n].parameters)
    scatter!(hm, [μ[1] for μ in p], [μ[2] for μ in p]; marker_kwargs...)
gif(anim; fps=0.7)
Example block output

We see that with each new snapshot we map out a new domain of the parameter space. Hence to further resolve the phase diagram, we will need to add more snapshots.

Continuing an assembly

To continue assembling a basis, we can just call assemble and provide the rbres tuple from the previous greedy assembly. Of course the remaining arguments can be adjusted in the continued assembly, so let us now increase the maximal number of truth solves:

greedy_cont = Greedy(; estimator=Residual(), n_truth_max=36)
rbres_cont = assemble(rbres, H, grid_train, greedy_cont, dm, edcomp);
n      max. err    ‖BᵀB-I‖     time      μ
9      0.723       1.65e-14     271ms    [0.795, 0.538]
10     0.814       1.77e-14     288ms    [2.5, 0.897]
11     0.708       3.8e-14      204ms    [2.051, 2.423]
12     0.538       2.9e-14      250ms    [0.705, 0.897]
13     0.443       3.5e-14      390ms    [-0.103, 0.0]
14     0.274       3.25e-14     353ms    [-0.372, 0.269]
15     0.235       6.77e-14     1.11s    [-0.91, 0.0]
16     0.229       1.01e-13     307ms    [-0.462, 0.449]
17     0.113       2.09e-13     382ms    [-0.641, 0.09]
18     0.103       1.23e-13     1.15s    [-0.821, 0.09]
19     0.079       9.63e-13     481ms    [1.782, 0.359]
20     0.0748      7.12e-13     449ms    [-0.731, 0.09]
21     0.041       3.53e-12     491ms    [1.692, 1.256]
22     0.0393      6.6e-12      552ms    [-0.641, 0.0]
23     0.0269      6.62e-12     569ms    [0.526, 1.436]
24     0.0933      6.22e-12     497ms    [2.5, 3.41]
25     0.0269      1.36e-11     505ms    [0.526, 1.346]
26     0.022       1.16e-11     576ms    [-0.462, 0.359]
27     0.013       2.35e-11     599ms    [1.603, 1.256]
28     0.00821     5.69e-11     536ms    [-0.731, 0.179]
29     0.00703     6.12e-11     727ms    [0.167, 0.359]
30     0.00677     2.26e-10     637ms    [1.154, 1.705]
31     0.00473     1.51e-10     828ms    [-0.821, 0.0]
32     0.00438     1.19e-08     890ms    [1.692, 0.359]
┌ Warning: μ=[2.5, 3.5] has already been solved
@ ReducedBasis ~/work/ReducedBasis.jl/ReducedBasis.jl/src/greedy.jl:127

Apparently, the assembly was stopped since an already solved snapshot was about to be solved again — which cannot happen in a correctly assembled greedy basis, indicating that the online evaluations of observables will contain artifacts. So let us check that by recomputing the magnetization using the continued basis:

m_cont, m_cont_raw = compress(M, rbres_cont.basis)
m_reduced_cont = m_cont()

magn_cont = map(grid_online) do μ
    _, φ_rb = solve(rbres_cont.h_cache.h, rbres_cont.basis.metric, μ, fulldiag)
    mean(u -> abs(dot(u, m_reduced_cont, u)), eachcol(φ_rb))
hm = heatmap(xrange, yrange, magn_cont';
             clims=(0.0, 1.0), title="continued magnetization", hm_kwargs...)
params = unique(rbres_cont.basis.parameters)
scatter!(hm, [μ[1] for μ in params], [μ[2] for μ in params]; marker_kwargs...)
Example block output

Indeed, the magnetization heatmap seems to be broken (again compare with Greedy basis assembly using DMRG); the phase diagram contains a large artifact related to the $M=0$ plateau. In these cases, we need to fix the RB by removing snapshots from it.

Truncation of snapshots

Fortunately, the greedy assembly is reversible without significant computational effort, meaning we can truncate our RBasis to a desired number of truth solves. Let us remove the last few snapshots to correct the error incurred by repeated MPS approximations:

basis_trunc = truncate(rbres_cont.basis, 30);

Since we performed multiple compressions using the previous rbres_cont.basis, we also need to truncate the HamiltonianCache according to the truncated basis:

h_cache_trunc = truncate(rbres_cont.h_cache, basis_trunc);

A slightly more subtle thing occurs with the compressed AffineDecompositions. Here we need to provide the second return argument m_cont_raw of the compressed magnetization from above, since only the untransformed compressed magnetization can be truncated accordingly:

m_trunc = truncate(m_cont_raw, basis_trunc)
m_reduced_trunc = m_trunc();

Finally, let us recompute the magnetization but this time with the truncated quantities and check the heatmap plot:

magn_trunc = map(grid_online) do μ
    _, φ_rb = solve(h_cache_trunc.h, basis_trunc.metric, μ, fulldiag)
    mean(u -> abs(dot(u, m_reduced_trunc, u)), eachcol(φ_rb))
hm = heatmap(xrange, yrange, magn_trunc';
             clims=(0.0, 1.0), title="truncated magnetization", hm_kwargs...)
params = unique(basis_trunc.parameters)
scatter!(hm, [μ[1] for μ in params], [μ[2] for μ in params]; marker_kwargs...)
Example block output

By truncating the basis and all compressed quantities, we have recovered the correct phase diagram. This process did not involve any computationally expensive operations and can therefore be always performed as a consistency check on a generated basis.