Affine decompositions with multi-indices and additional parameters
In this example, we want to explore the capabilities of the central AffineDecomposition
type. To advance the previous examples where we covered the magnetization — a very simple observable that consists of only one affine term and a parameter-independent coefficient — we now turn to observables where the indices are multi-indices $r = (r_1, \dots, r_d)$ and the coefficients can depend on additional parameters $p$, aside from the $\bm{\mu}$ parameter points that are present in the Hamiltonian:
\[O(\bm{\mu}, p) = \sum_{q=1}^Q \alpha_q(\bm{\mu}, p)\, O_q\]
To stay within the realm of quantum magnetism, we will consider the so-called spin structure factor
\[\mathcal{S}(k) = \frac{1}{L} \sum_{r,r'=1}^L e^{-i (r - r') k} S^z_r S^z_{r'},\quad \alpha_{r,r'}(k) = \frac{e^{-i (r - r') k}}{L}, \quad O_{r,r'} = S^z_r S^z_{r'}\]
with a wave vector parameter $k$, to discuss the implementation of a more complicated observable.
To provide a physical setup, we again use the XXZ chain from The reduced basis workflow:
using LinearAlgebra
using SparseArrays
using ReducedBasis
σx = sparse([0.0 1.0; 1.0 0.0])
σy = sparse([0.0 -im; im 0.0])
σz = sparse([1.0 0.0; 0.0 -1.0])
function to_global(op::M, L::Int, i::Int) where {M<:AbstractMatrix}
d = size(op, 1)
if i == 1
kron(op, M(I, d^(L - 1), d^(L - 1)))
elseif i == L
kron(M(I, d^(L - 1), d^(L - 1)), op)
kron(kron(M(I, d^(i - 1), d^(i - 1)), op), M(I, d^(L - i), d^(L - i)))
function xxz_chain(L)
H1 = 0.25 * sum(1:L-1) do i
to_global(σx, L, i) * to_global(σx, L, i + 1) +
to_global(σy, L, i) * to_global(σy, L, i + 1)
H2 = 0.25 * sum(1:L-1) do i
to_global(σz, L, i) * to_global(σz, L, i + 1)
H3 = 0.5 * sum(1:L) do i
to_global(σz, L, i)
AffineDecomposition([H1, H2, H3], μ -> [1.0, μ[1], -μ[2]])
Construct the Hamiltonian for an XXZ chain with 6 sites ...
L = 6
H = xxz_chain(L);
... and generate a RB surrogate using an exact diagonalization solver.
Δ = range(-1.0, 2.5; length=40)
hJ = range( 0.0, 3.5; length=40)
grid_train = RegularGrid(Δ, hJ)
greedy = Greedy(; estimator=Residual())
lobpcg = LOBPCG(; tol_degeneracy=1e-4)
qrcomp = QRCompress(; tol=1e-9)
rbres = assemble(H, grid_train, greedy, lobpcg, qrcomp);
n max. err ‖BᵀB-I‖ time μ
1 NaN 5.68e-15 199ms [-1.0, 0.0]
2 2.33 5.7e-15 244ms [2.231, 0.538]
3 0.946 5.8e-15 75.3ms [0.795, 0.897]
4 0.508 5.91e-15 72.1ms [1.154, 1.795]
5 0.472 6.21e-15 94.4ms [2.5, 1.077]
6 0.385 6.51e-15 94.5ms [0.346, 0.179]
7 0.0727 1.23e-14 74.4ms [-0.551, 0.0]
8 0.0554 1.93e-14 83.8ms [-0.462, 0.269]
9 0.0163 9.5e-14 92.0ms [1.423, 0.538]
10 0.00522 1.61e-13 106ms [-0.372, 0.449]
11 0.004 3.05e-13 116ms [1.692, 1.346]
12 0.00151 4.61e-13 134ms [-0.821, 0.0]
13 0.00039 1.08e-12 148ms [-0.821, 0.09]
reached residual target
Now the task is to implement the double-sum in $\mathcal{S}$, as well as the $k$-dependency in the coefficients. The double-sum can be encoded by putting all $S^z_r S^z_{r'}$ combinations into an $L \times L$ matrix:
terms = map(idx -> to_global(σz, L, idx[1]) * to_global(σz, L, idx[2]),
Iterators.product(1:L, 1:L));
Correspondingly, the coefficient function now has to map one $k$ value to a matrix of coefficients of the same size as the terms
coefficients = k -> map(idx -> cis(-(idx[1] - idx[2]) * k) / L,
Iterators.product(1:L, 1:L));
One feature of the structure factor that also shows up in many other affine decompositions with double-sums is that the term indices commute, i.e. $O_{r,r'} = O_{r',r}$. In that case, only the upper triangular matrix has to be computed since $B^\dagger O_{r,r'} B = B^\dagger O_{r',r} B$ are the same in the compressed affine decomposition. So let's create the AffineDecomposition
and compress, exploiting this symmetry using the symmetric_terms
keyword argument:
SFspin = AffineDecomposition(terms, coefficients)
sfspin, _ = compress(SFspin, rbres.basis; symmetric_terms=true);
In the online evaluation of the structure factor, we then need to define some wave vector values and compute the structure factor at each of them. As usual, we first define a finer online grid of points and the matching online solver:
Δ_online = range(first(Δ), last(Δ); length=100)
hJ_online = range(first(hJ), last(hJ); length=100)
grid_online = RegularGrid(Δ_online, hJ_online)
fulldiag = FullDiagonalization(lobpcg);
And then we map the grid points to the corresponding structure factor values for a set of different wave vectors:
using Statistics
wavevectors = [0.0, π/4, π/2, π]
sf = [zeros(size(grid_online)) for _ in 1:length(wavevectors)]
for (idx, μ) in pairs(grid_online)
_, φ_rb = solve(rbres.h, rbres.basis.metric, μ, fulldiag)
for (i, k) in enumerate(wavevectors)
sf[i][idx] = mean(u -> real(dot(u, sfspin(k), u)), eachcol(φ_rb))
Here we again see the convenience of measuring observables in the online stage; adding more wavevector values does not significantly increase the computational cost, since it corresponds to a mere reevaluation of the coefficient functions and small vector-matrix products. Finally, let us see how the structure factor behaves for the different wave vector values:
using Plots
kwargs = (; xlabel=raw"$\Delta$", ylabel=raw"$h/J$", colorbar=true, leg=false)
hms = []
for (i, q) in enumerate(wavevectors)
push!(hms, heatmap(grid_online.ranges[1], grid_online.ranges[2], sf[i]';
title="\$k = $(round(q/π; digits=3))\\pi\$", kwargs...))
It can be nicely seen that the spin structure factor indicates the ferromagnetic phase at $k=0$ and then moves through the magnetization plateaus until it reaches the antiferromagnetic plateau at $k=\pi$.